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Image Registry

This topic describes using an image registry within a chaos experiment.

What is an image registry?

An image registry is a repository that hosts container images that are used by chaos experiments. Registries can be public or private. HCE allows you to use custom image registries for chaos experiments.

A custom image registry allows for storing container images securely, restricting access to authorized users and applications only.

  • You can configure the image registry to be used with the default probes. If you haven't configured a probe yet, the experiment will use the default image registry.
  • HCE doesn't provide image registry support at the moment for default probes.

Follow the steps below to use custom values or default values of the image registry in your chaos experiment.

This video provides a step-by-step walkthrough of configuring the Image Registry.

Why use a Custom Image Registry?

When the image you need to use for your chaos experiment is private, and the chaos experiments are required to be run for internal consumption, you can configure image registry as private and provide custom values to it. This way, you will have better control, and security when working with private images.

Depending on whether you use DDCR (Delegate Driven Chaos Runner) or dedicated chaos infrastructure, image registry settings is configured from account/organization/project/infrastructure settings or from the UI, respectively.


This feature is behind the feature flag CHAOS_IMAGEREGISTRY_DEV. Contact Harness Support to enable the feature.

Configure Image Registry from Account/Organization/Project/Infrastructure settings

With appropriate permissions, you can configure image registry from the account or organization or project or infrastructure settings.

This approach provides flexibility and ensures you can manage image registry settings at different levels.

In this example, you will learn how to configure image registry from Account Settings.

  1. Go to Account Settings -> Image Registry (For Chaos).

    account settings

  2. Provide registry details: a. Specify the server and account name. b. Choose the image registry type. c. Enable Allow Overrides option if you want to allow changes to image registry settings at lower levels, such as Organization, Project, or Infrastructure. For example, currently, you are in the Account scope. Allowing overrides will allow you to make changes to the image registry settings at the Organization, Project, and infrastructure levels.

    override settings

  3. Use Custom Images (Optional):

a. Enable Use custom images if you want to provide custom images for the specified fields. b. Add your custom images in the fields shown in the screenshot.

custom image settings


If you enable the Allow Overrides option, you can configure the image registry for infrastructures that are Supported by a Harness Delegate: a. Go to Environments > Infrastructure. b. Click Edit. c. Scroll to the bottom to access the Image Registry settings.

ir infra

Images required

Listed below are images that you should download to use image registry. The example below describes images required for 1.47.x release. Based on the release, the version will vary.

Go to Delegate release to get the latest version of Delegate image.

  • harness/chaos-ddcr:1.47.0
  • harness/chaos-log-watcher:1.47.0
  • harness/service-discovery-collector:0.27.0